Industrial network
How to get involved in the BE-HyFE project as a Belgian company?
The project wants to ensure maximum interlinkage with the industry, while at the same time remaining independent in the fundamental aspect of the research.
It is important that our researchers see how their work fits in the actual industrial world, to make sure they will lay the foundations for many industrial innovations at Belgian companies and institutions.
Are you a Belgian (based) company working on hydrogen? Find out how you can get involved in the BE-HyFE project.

Are you interested in the project and would you like to be informed about our progress, be invited to public workshops & events, hear about network opportunities and knowledge transfer options (e.g. webinars), then join our industrial-academic network!
You will receive our newsletter (max. of 1 newsletter/quarter) and get invitations to specific events. You will be a preferred partner, following our project from the sideline.

Are you interested in officially becoming involved in the project? Then join our Industrial Advisory Board (IAB) (no fee).
This entails 2 progress meetings/year with the BE-HyFE team, which will serve as reflection moments for our researchers and provide network opportunities.
IAB-members are automatically part of our academic-industrial network and can also advise on secondment options, support site visits to their facilities and encourage knowledge exchange.