Name researcher
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Academic promoter
Academic promoter
Joren Vanlaere
ULB/VUB (joint PhD)
Prof. Patrick Hendrick (ULB)
Prof. Julien Blondeau (VUB)

​Safety of operations and logistics using GH2 and LH2

Research video pitch
We aim to deliver a potentially less restrictive and easier-to-apply Safety Standard specific for H2, based on in-the-field experience for indoor and outdoor applications. This research will use a 3D model simulation tool and efficient instrumentation for leak detection.
Safety is a huge issue when working with H2 and designing H2-facilities. It is extremely hard to find your way in the permitting procedures, due to a lack of experience of the authorities and certification organizations and, also, the unclear application of the different standards or the national/regional/local implementation rules.
In order to improve and rationalize the current situation related to implementation and certification rules of H2-systems, this research will have as an objective to deliver a scientifically proven set of measures and procedures to be used by the authorities and certification organizations.
The work will be combining models (and thus numerical simulations) and experiments to validate the models. These experiments will also try to always compare the H2 obtained values or rules with existing values valid for other fuels (such as methane or liquid fuels). A typical experimental set-up that will be developed in this PhD is one on leak detection, with the devices (sensors), procedures and threshold values.
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