Name researcher
Host institution
Academic promoter
Marie Dejonghe
Ghent University
Prof. Thijs Van de Graaf
Prof. Ronnie Belmans (KUL/EnergyVille)

The energy security implications of large-scale imports of sustainable fuels

Research video pitch
With this research, we want to map the scope for sustainable fuel imports and identify potential supplier countries and trade routes. We will also assess the energy security risks of trade and discuss regulatory options to govern hydrogen trade and associated risks
Given the volumes of hydrogen needed to fully decarbonize the economy, by 2050 hydrogen imports could represent a significant amount of Belgium’s energy supply. As a result, studying the geopolitical drivers and implications of hydrogen import is important.
A number of major industrial players are already studying the feasibility of large scale hydrogen imports from outside the EU. Over time, Belgium could thus trade its dependence on imports of oil and gas for a dependence on imports of hydrogen
This project will be the first to examine the security of supply implications of large scale imports of (green) hydrogen and derived fuels. It has three related goals:
to develop a range of scenarios to map out the scope for hydrogen imports and identify potential supplier countries and trade routes across different hydrogen value chains
to compare the security of supply risks of trade in hydrogen and related energy carriers (e.g. ammonia) with other energy commodities such as crude oil, piped natural gas, LNG, and electricity
to discuss regulatory options at various levels (regional, federal, European, global) to govern hydrogen trade and associated risks (certification, strategic stocks, ownership unbundling, etc.)
Risky business? Evaluating Hydrogen Partnerships Established by Germany, The Netherlands and Belgium | Marie Dejonghe | MDPI Sustainability 2023, December 2023, Volume 106, 103301
From natural gas to hydrogen: Navigating import risks and dependencies in Northwest Europe | Marie Dejonghe, Thijs Van de Graaf, Ronnie Belmans | Energy Research & Social Science, 15, 16876.
Unlocking Global Gateway towards the Green Transition | Marie Dejonghe | Egmont Policy brief 313, July 2023