Name researcher
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Academic promoter
Mauro Daese (in collaboration with Nicolas Jouret, KUL)
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Prof. Joshua Lacey
Prof. Francesco Contino (UCL)

Oxy-fuel combustion of CO2-dilute, natural gas/hydrogen burners in a decarbonized gas transmission network

Research video pitch
This project will undertake numerical modelling of renewably-generated hydrogen concentrations in a gas transmission network with power-to-gas capability and experimental characterizations of advanced combustor units that can make use of natural gas/hydrogen mixtures in such a network.
Introducing renewable hydrogen into the gas supply would have several impacts on conventional natural gas combustors. Some undesirable effects can be avoided with advanced, end-use technologies such as oxy-fuel combustors. These combustors use pure oxygen instead of air in the combustion process, producing a CO2-rich exhaust that is more amenable to CCS. With hydrogen present in the gas supply, it is possible to prevent instability that is prevalent in pure NG, oxy-fuel combustors.
Experimental and numerical investigations will be conducted to investigate the interplay between an NG/renewable hydrogen gas transmission network and oxy-fuel burners with CO2-dilution. Experiments will be conducted using two academic test benches to characterize key combustion phenomena and stability for different blends of NG and hydrogen: a swirl-burner and a reciprocating engine. Numerical simulations of a gas network with the inclusion of power-to-gas capability will be performed by leveraging modeling tools. These simulations will indicate the range of viable NG/hydrogen mixtures that could be available for a network of advanced, CO2-dilute oxy-fuel combustors and how the hydrogen content of such a network would vary during operation.
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