After the successful first edition of the BERA PhD Day last year a new edition has been announced! Join your fellow Hydrogen researchers for a new PhD and Researchers' Day on 30th May 2023 in Brussels.

During the second edition of this event, BERA (Belgian Energy Research Alliance) gives you the opportunity to showcase your work to other researchers active in H2 and Fuel Cells Technology/Science and to representatives from the H2 & FC industry in Belgium. Don't miss this chance to show your work and discuss your ideas with other researchers and industry professionals on H2 and FC topics and exchange knowledge!
Organization of the day will be based on individual Powerpoint presentations under the format of a TEASER:
- 1 front page with title of your work, your name and affiliation
- just one single slide showing/explaining your work
The program will be:
- 08.30 - 09.30: 1 hour of teasers
- 09.30 - 10.00: 30 min of walking discussion
- 10.00 - 11.00: 1 hour of teasers
- 11.00 - 11.30: 30 min of walking discussion
- 11.30 - 12.00: 30 min of teasers
- 12.00: Discussion, lunch & drinks
There is room for 60-75 presentations! Interested to participate? Registration is free via an e-mail to
Please also bring some copies of a one-page poster (A4-format) to distribute to other participants during the walking discussions following your presentation.