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EVENT - BE-HyFE part of the EU hydrogen event organised by the French embassy (16-17/05/22)


Updated: Jan 28, 2022

With France taking the presidency of the European Union from January '22 onwards, the French embassy in Brussels is organizing 4 big events about major EU topics, one of which is Hydrogen.

EU Hydrogen event

The French embassy is organizing a major event on 16 & 17th May 2022 in Brussels on the broad topic of hydrogen. The event is meant to present regional and European hydrogen policies/strategies and to stimulate cross-border collaboration between the major parties in the hydrogen context, targeting the academic world, the industry and policy makers. Participating member states are Belgium, France, Germany, The Netherlands, Switzerland and Luxembourg.

Next to a welcome speech by our federal minister of energy, Mrs. Tinne Van der Straeten, a Belgian delegation will partake in the two-day conference, including our BE-HyFE project, which will be part of the poster presentations. The project will be showcased as an example of academic collaboration on the level of a member state, to inspire collaboration on an EU level.

More information on this event will follow shortly.



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