Our BE-HyFE project was selected from a great number of Energy Transition Fund proposals just before the summer of 2021. The project subsequently had its official kick-off moment on 5th October, combined with the very first Industrial Advisory Board meeting.

Project consortium kick-off
During the morning session, the consortium partners -14 in total including all of the Belgian knowledge institutes- had their first live project meeting to kick-off the next 4,5 year of hydrogen research and innovation. They explored the project specifics, introduced the 16 specific research topics and had a chance to catch up with their peers. The event took place in the inspiring settings of The Lab in Ghent.
First Industrial Advisory Board and BERA industry workshop
The afternoon session consisted of the very first Industrial Advisory Board (IAB) meeting for BE-HyFE, where we introduced our project to more than 30 interested Belgian companies working on hydrogen solutions and where we invited them to collaborate with the project by being part of our academic-industrial network or by officially becoming IAB members.
This session was organised in collaboration with the BERA TG H2 who invited two interesting speaker for their industry workshop, which was held at the same time: Nicolas Gielis (Elia) who talked about the power system's point of view concerning hydrogen and Geert Van Hecke (Van Hool) who presented their hydrogen fuel cell buses for public transportation. The day was concluded with a short panel discussion and a network drink, allowing our BE-HyFE partners (and some of the PhD researchers) to meet the industry.
Interested in the presentations of the afternoon part? You can find them here.