The project will host 16 PhD researchers over the course of the next 4,5 years. They will explore 16 very different topics in the hydrogen context, from production over logistics to end-usage. Finding our 16 top-notch researchers for the team has been an inspiring journey which has almost reached its conclusion.

Meet (part of) the team!
Just before the Christmas holidays the BE-HyFE coordination team and 11 of our 16 project early stage researchers (ESR) got to meet for the very first time. Due to covid measures the meet-up was a digital christmas drink instead of a live event, but it gave us all a chance to get to know one another and to delve a little deeper into some of the ESR's backgrounds and topics. It appears we have a very diverse and intriguing team already and we are very much looking forward to getting to know the remaining 5 team members!
If you want to know more about our team and the topics they will concentrate on within the BE-HyFE project, then make sure to check out our team page on the website.