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Throwback to our first Hydrogen Research Event


Our first major public BE-HyFE event was a huge success! Thank you to everyone who participated in our event in Antwerp Expo on 12/05. The event could welcome:

  • 51 research posters: a great selection of the state-of-the-art hydrogen research which is ongoing at our Belgian knowledge institutes

  • more than 90 academic researchers

  • more than 50 representatives from Belgian hydrogen-related or interested companies

The afternoon sessions were launched with a warm and welcoming introduction videospeech by federal minister for energy, Tinne Van der Straeten, followed by two key-notes by Bart Biebuyck (Executive Director of the Clean Hydrogen Partnership) and Yves Vercammen (Director Transformation at Fluxys).

We closed this research day with an academic-industrial network moment where all participants could join the conversation about the presented research topics in the poster room and where the seeds or ideas of new collaborations were planted!

We hereby offer all participants the poster overview, the presentations and an overview of this great research day in pictures! Click the picture below.



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